This article explains the internal architecture of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM).
- string
- integer
- floating point
- final variables
- types
- fields
- Methods
- public
- private
- protected
- static
- final
- volatile
- transient
- public
- private
- protected
- static
- final
- synchronized
- native
- abstract
- static variables
instance java.lang.Class is created every type for
the following info.
- getName();
- getSuperClass();
- isInterface();
- getInterfaces();
- getClassLoader();
Contains name and index
in symbol ref. array
Two different threads of the same application, however, could trample on each other's heap data.
HotSpot VM’s garbage collector uses generational garbage collection. It separates the JVM’s memory into and they are called young generation and old generation.
Young Generation
Young generation memory consists of two parts, Eden space and survivor space. Shortlived objects will be available in Eden space. Every object starts its life from Eden space. When GC happens, if an object is still alive and it will be moved to survivor space and other dereferenced objects will be removed.
Old Generation – Tenured and PermGen
Old generation memory has two parts, tenured generation and permanent generation (PermGen). PermGen is a popular term. We used to error like PermGen space not sufficient.
GC moves live objects from survivor space to tenured generation. The permanent generation contains meta data of the virtual machine, class and method objects.
Only one thread at a time can "own" an object's lock.
Once a thread owns a lock, it can request the same lock again multiple times, but then has to release the lock the same number of times before it is made available to other threads
The class name for an array of ints is "[I“.
The class name for three-dimensional array of bytes is "[[[B".
The class name for a two-dimensional array of Objects is "[[Ljava.lang.Object".
Each frame contains
- local variables Area.
- operand stack
- frame data
Variables are accessed through their indices.
Values of type int, float, reference, and return Address occupy one cell.
Values of type byte, short, and char also occupy one cell.
Values of type long and double occupy two consecutive cells in the array.
local variables are accessed via array indices, the operand stack is accessed by pushing and popping values.
instructions take their operands from
- operand stack
- immediately following the opcode
- constant pool
Method area is part of non-heap memory. It stores per-class structures, code for methods and constructors. Per-class structure means runtime constants and static fields.
Type Information:
- Fully qualified type’s name.
- Fully qualified direct super class name.
- Whether class or an interface
- type's modifiers
- list of the fully qualified names of any direct super interfaces
Constant Pool:
- Ordered set of constants
- string
- integer
- floating point
- final variables
- symbolic references to
- types
- fields
- Methods
Field Information:
- field’s name
- field’s type
- field’s modifiers (subset )
- public
- private
- protected
- static
- final
- volatile
- transient
Method Information:
- Method’s name
- Method’s return type
- Number and type of parameters
- Modifiers (subset)
- public
- private
- protected
- static
- final
- synchronized
- native
- abstract
Class Variables:
- ordered set of class variables
- static variables
Reference to class loader:
Reference to class loader is used for dynamic linking.instance java.lang.Class is created every type for
the following info.
- getName();
- getSuperClass();
- isInterface();
- getInterfaces();
- getClassLoader();
Method Table:
Used for quick ref. tomethod.
Contains name and index
in symbol ref. array
Heap Memory:
Objects and arrays are allocated in this area.Two different threads of the same application, however, could trample on each other's heap data.
Memory Generations:
HotSpot VM’s garbage collector uses generational garbage collection. It separates the JVM’s memory into and they are called young generation and old generation.
Young Generation
Young generation memory consists of two parts, Eden space and survivor space. Shortlived objects will be available in Eden space. Every object starts its life from Eden space. When GC happens, if an object is still alive and it will be moved to survivor space and other dereferenced objects will be removed.
Old Generation – Tenured and PermGen
Old generation memory has two parts, tenured generation and permanent generation (PermGen). PermGen is a popular term. We used to error like PermGen space not sufficient.
GC moves live objects from survivor space to tenured generation. The permanent generation contains meta data of the virtual machine, class and method objects.
Lock on Objects:
object is associated with a lock (or mutex) to coordinate multi-threaded access to the object.Only one thread at a time can "own" an object's lock.
Once a thread owns a lock, it can request the same lock again multiple times, but then has to release the lock the same number of times before it is made available to other threads
Array Allocation on Heap:
The name of an array's class has one open square bracket for each dimension plus a letter or string representing the array's type.The class name for an array of ints is "[I“.
The class name for three-dimensional array of bytes is "[[[B".
The class name for a two-dimensional array of Objects is "[[Ljava.lang.Object".
Java Stack:
Java stack stores a thread's state in discrete frames.Each frame contains
- local variables Area.
- operand stack
- frame data
Local variable Area:
organized as a zero-based array of cells.Variables are accessed through their indices.
Values of type int, float, reference, and return Address occupy one cell.
Values of type byte, short, and char also occupy one cell.
Values of type long and double occupy two consecutive cells in the array.
Operand Stack:
operand stack is also organized as an array of cells.local variables are accessed via array indices, the operand stack is accessed by pushing and popping values.
instructions take their operands from
- operand stack
- immediately following the opcode
- constant pool
Frame data:
Frame data is needed to support
- constant pool resolution
- normal method return
- exception dispatch
- debugging.
Responsibilities of Memory Mgr:
Chop the chunk.
Allocate Requested number of bytes.
Provide necessary information to garbage
Collect the bytes returned by garbage
Defragment the chunks.
Optimal size of chunk:
For Method Area MM 10K
For Stack 16K
For Heap 1K, 10K, 32K
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